The smiling coast of Africa, a country known for its rich nature, not of silver and gold but the beautiful and sandy beaches, wildlife, beautiful sunsets, and the beautiful rays of the sun. The country is none other than The Gambia, Yes! The Gambia, the last born of foster mother Britain, the smallest country in mainland Africa, located in west Africa. The Gambia is like a vibrant tongue in the mouth of Mama Africa looking the map and a finger pointing to the heart of sister Senegal because it is surrounded by Senegal in all three sides except the west. You still must be wondering why The Gambia is referred to as the smiling coast of Africa: Let’s talk about it.

It is not by mistake that it is called the “Smiling Coast of Africa”. It is a country that is known for its hospitality, welcoming and friendly people who are ready to make any visitor or tourist feel comfortable, it is crystal clear that, this is the reason why a lot of tourist visit The Gambia. Aside from the friendly people and hospitality, another reason why The Gambia is referred to as “The Smiling Coast of Africa” is because looking at the map of Africa, The Gambia cuts right through Senegal like a tongue in the mouth of Africa which appears like a smile on the map of Africa Yes! I know you were not expecting that. Let us move to the fun facts about The Gambia.

• The Gambia gain its independence from Britain in 18th February 1965
• The Gambia is proudly the home of Kunta Kinteh.
• The official language is English.
• The capital of The Gambia is Banjul which was known as Bathurst.
• The River Gambia which connects to the Atlantic Ocean is one of Africa’s most important river because it is navigable.
• There are four colours in the Gambian flag which explains the country. RED stands for sun because the country is sunny all year round, WHITE for peace “Gambia no problem” BLUE for the river Gambia, it has lots of fish and last but not the least, GREEN which stands for agriculture.
One thing the Gambia is known for is the peace and unity as stated in the first verses of our national anthem: “For the Gambia, Our homeland. We strive and work and pray, that all may live in unity, Freedom and Peace each day

The Gambia: The Smiling Coast of Africa 🙂